Yogi Suqad
Yogi Squat

 Yogi Squat ( Malasana),  is an effective pose that does a lot of benefit to the lower part of your body.  This grounding posture also brings you closer to the ground and induces a sense of calmness.
 Here are some of the benefits practicing the yogi squat on a regular base:

-Stronger Lower Body

 From a physical perspective, the yoga squat strengthens and stretches your thighs, especially your quadriceps. You also stretch the ankles, the groin and the back.

 The more moderate version with your back upright and your feet wide requires your entire core to engage to keep you straight and balanced. In the full version with your feet together, your core works to keep you from losing your balance.

-Digestion and Energy Benefits

 Malasana sends your energy downward, helping ground and stabilize you. Anytime you need to calm down, Malasana is a pose to practice. The descending nature of the pose's energy can be revitalizing and cleansing.

 The full variation, in which you're draped over your bent legs mimicking a garland, draws your attention inward, which can be even more peaceful to your psyche.

 The deep squat also stimulates healthy digestion and facilitates elimination; just think of your bathroom position when you're without a toilet during a camping trip.

 Yogi squat can be uncomfortable when you are very tight in your hips. Once you begin to practice this position for a few times, you will notice it begins to feel more tolerable and, with any luck, one day you will look forward to sitting into this pose for longer period of time because it feels so good.
  Yogic Squad