Table Pose

Table Pose
Table Pose

 Table pose (Bharmanasana), is a beginner's yoga pose. It can help relax the spine and open the chest to help the practitioner breathe more deeply.

 Table pose is a relaxing and a restorative posture that relieves tension in the spine. In this pose, the chest is not under as much pressure, so lungs can expand freely for a deeper and more fulfilling breathing practice.
 Table Pose Strengthens the wrists, arms and shoulders. The pose Expands the chest and improves lung capacity. It also Stretches the spine and tones the back muscle.
 In this Pose, You kneel on all four. knees are aligned under the hips, and hands under the shoulders. The back stays flat, with the head and neck aligned with the spine.

Table Pose...
Table Pose...