The Crow Pose


Crow pose
The Crow Pose

 Crow Pose ( Kakasana), is an advanced yoga posture. The Crow Pose is considered an arm balance yoga pose and it requires a lot of focus apart from the physical strength. The weight of the body is balanced on the arms and the body weight is at the wrists and elbows.

 While Crow Pose is an arm balance that may look easy, it is actually extremely challenging. Crow Pose takes strength, patience and daring to fly.

 Crow pose not only builds and tones the core, it also strengthens the arms, wrists and upper back. Practicing crow also improves balance and deepens concentration and focus, while opening the hips.

 Place your knees on the backs of your upper arms. Begin to bring your weight forward into your hands, lifting your head as you go. Come up onto your tiptoes, lifting one foot and then the other off the floor. Engage the inner thighs for support while keeping the knees on the arms. Hold this pose for 15 to 30 seconds.

Crow Pose