Goddess pose

Goddess Pose
 Goddess pose


 Goddess pose is considered highly beneficial for the body because it strengthens the muscles of the legs, gluteus, calves and ankles. It simultaneously stretches and opens the hips and chest and lengthens the spine. It is a powerful, warming and energizing posture, stimulating the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.  It is also a strengthening posture, particularly for the lower body.

 To enter this pose, begin standing in a wide stance with the toes turned out and the knees bent, bringing the lower body into a wide-legged squat. For a deeper variation, the heels may be lifted off the ground.

  A variety of hand and arm positions may be used for this pose, including raising the arms overhead shoulder-distance apart or with the palms touching. The hands can also be placed in prayer position at the heart center or may rest on the hips or thighs.

Utkata Konasan
Utkata Konasan