Headstand yoga pose (Sirsasana), is an inversion that exhibits strength, control and beauty in overcoming the fear of falling through physical and mental balance.

 Headstand improves blood circulation. Going upside down by doing inversions reverses blood flow and increases blood circulation in all parts of the body, especially to the brain. As the blood rushes to your head, it provides the brain with more oxygen and improves cognitive function. alleviate stress and depression. activate the pituitary and pineal glands. stimulate the lymphatic system. strengthen the upper body, spine and core.

 The headstand pose improves your digestion and tones your abdominal organs, reducing belly fat. Headstand can give you the abs you want. The upside down position will consistently work your abs as well as your obliques, lower back, hip flexors and inner thighs.

 This pose is performed by resting the head and forearms in a triangular formation on the mat. Once they have formed a strong base, the legs move in toward the torso so the weight begins to shift onto that base. The legs are then lifted, supported by a strong core. The torso should be perpendicular to the mat so that the body is in a straight line from the legs to the head.
 There are different views on the maximum duration for holding Sirshasana, ranging from 2 minutes to 3 hours.

 Mastering a headstand is an accomplishment worth celebrating, it's a pretty challenging pose. Physically, headstands require both balance and strength.