Corpse pose


Corpse Pose.
Corpse pose

 Corpse pose (Savasana), is practiced as the last asana in a yoga practice or on its own for deep relaxation and to rest our awareness in the more subtle essence of our being. This pose is called corpse pose because it is practiced by lying down on one’s back in stillness and silence.

 Savasana can be thought of as the most important pose in yoga, yet some people skip it or shorten its duration. If you practice asana (postures), then this last pose of the sequence is very significant and bolsters the effects of all the postures that come before it. Savasana allows you to be in a deep and profound state of awareness, as the body relaxes and integrates your practice and your life.

 Savasana is said to be the Hardest yoga Pose. It can sometimes be challenging to relax in Savasana if you first begin practicing; you can find yourself nervous and looking at the ceiling. Alternatively, you may fall asleep as soon as you sit down, as some students do. The concept of Savasana is to rest while paying attention, that is, to stay aware and alert while remaining relaxed. When relaxing, staying conscious will help you realize and release long-held stresses in your body and mind.

 A minimum of 25 minutes of Savasana is required for every yoga practice.
