Child pose

Child Pose

  If you're familiar with a variety of yoga poses, you've probably heard of child's pose (balasana).   

  This resting or restorative pose is great for meditating. This is because it is a simple yet comfortable pose. You can also perform child's pose to get a resting period in between other poses.

  As well, Child pose is offering the following benefits: It gently stretches out your spine, thighs, hips and ankles. Because it’s a resting pose, filled with deep breathing, it’s mega relaxing. Child’s Pose can stimulate blood flow to your head, and blood circulation helps oxygen reach all corners of your body. 

  Child’s Pose can relieve tension in the chest, lower back, shoulders and hamstrings.

  To do the child pose, simply Kneel on the floor with your toes together and your knees hip-width apart, On an exhale, lower your torso between your knees. Extend your arms alongside your torso with your palms facing down. Relax your shoulders toward the ground. Rest in the pose for as long as needed.