Wheel Pose


Wheel Pose
Wheel Pose


   Wheel Pose (Chakrasana), is a back bend and considered as one of the best stretches.

   Wheel Pose stimulates the breath, opens the chest and shoulders, improves spinal flexibility, improves strength and may even improve blood glucose levels and adrenal function.

   Some Other Benefits Of The Pose Includes:

 Toning the abdominal region.

 Curing backache.

 Stress Relieve.

 Strengthening your body.

   Wheel pose is hard because it requires strength in the legs, arms and wrists. Also flexibility in the entire front body, the spine and the shoulders. 

   By building strength and flexibility where you need it, you will be able to achieve wheel pose and make it less hard.

   To Do The Pose, Come to lie on your back.
   Bend your knees, bringing the soles of your feet onto your mat close to the buttocks.
   Reach down with your fingertips and make sure that you can just graze your heels. The feet should be parallel and hips' distance apart.
   Bend your elbows and bring the palms of your hands overhead, placing them underneath your shoulders with the fingertips pointing towards your feet.
   Inhale and press down into your palms and your feet as you lift your shoulders and hips up off the floor. Do not press all the way up yet.
   Bring the crown of your head to the mat, making sure not to put too much weight on the neck. Use your hands and feet for leverage. 
   Pause here for a moment as you make sure that your elbows are staying parallel and not splaying out to the sides.
Straighten your arms as you lift your head off the floor.
   Make sure to keep your feet parallel and knees in line with your feet.
   Reach your chest towards the wall behind you.
Begin to straighten your legs.
   To come down, tuck your chin into your chest and lower down slowly.
   Rest, allowing the knees to knock together.

   It is recommended to hold wheel pose for one to three minutes. gradually increasing the time with practice.


Wheel Pose...